Monday, March 3, 2008

SoulMates Of Love

SoulMates Of Love is an organization to improve the moral status of the world and inform everyone of what's going on in the world and provide you with the information so you can do something with it. A Non-Profit organization that is devoted to stopping the immoral figures of the world and ultimately bring peace universally.

My SoulMate Is Peace - MSIP or My SoulMate Is Peace, is the world peace and moral impact portion of SoulMates of Love. My SoulMate Is Peace works on supporting Iraq without war and bringing other nations to the light or moral status.

Darfur Is Holding Out or Home - DIHO is about the area or region of Africa that is called darfur. Darfur is an area where a religious cult is killing off innocent people because of their religion, which doesn't not match the cults, doesn't approve them. Some of the survivors are made into child soldiers and are forced to fight. At an early age these innocent children have shed blood of their homeland and possibly their family and friends. Uganda is one of the known regions that have child soldiers

A Lost Childhood - A lost childhood is something you cannot replace even with all the money and resources in the world. This was made for the child soldiers that have came and that are to become. By going to this site, you will find the resources and information you need to know to help with this cause.

To Write Love On Her Arms - The well-known organization devoted to helping those in deep depression who need it the most, TWLOHA gives those who have addict, depression, and other mental diseases another chance. They offer support and love to those who need it and their treatment only gives them progress to fight for a better world.

Some Facts about TWLOHA

According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading causes of disability, with approximately 121 million people suffering with depression worldwide. The National Institute of Mental Health states that approximately 18 million people suffer from depression in America alone. Depression does not discriminate across age, race, gender, or class. Among teenagers it is estimated that 20 percent will suffer from depression at some point by the time they reach adulthood. There are also as many as 8.3 percent of teens suffering from depression for at least a year at a time, compared to 5.3 percent of the general population. Between 20% and 50% of depressed kids and teens have a family history of depression and children of depressed parents are more than three times as likely to suffer from depression. (U.S. Surgeon GeneralĂ­s Survey, 1999)Depression often co-occurs with anxiety disorders and substance abuse, with 30 percent of teens with depression also developing a substance abuse problem. (NIMH) 2/3 of those suffering from depression never seek treatment.Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers. (NIMH)While not always the case, often untreated depression and other struggles lead to unhealthy ways in which we try and deal with the hurt and pain we are feeling. We try and find anything that we can do to take away the hurt, painful feelings, or negative thoughts we are experiencing. Often the things that we turn to seem to help at first, appearing to provide some of the relief that we need so badly. But, even though they may seem like they help, often they are unhealthy themselves, eventually becoming even greater struggles like addictions such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, or self-injury. Self-injury remained very much a mystery until 1996 when Princess Diana revealed that she had struggled with it. It has become much more visible in society within the last ten years. Self-injury is also termed self-mutilation, self-harm, or self-abuse. It can be defined as the deliberate, repetitive, impulsive, non-lethal harming of one’s self, including but not limited to; 1) cutting, 2) burning, 3) picking or interfering with wound healing,4) infecting oneself, 5) punching/hitting self or objects, 6) inserting objects in to skin, 7) bruising or breaking bones, and 8) some forms of hair pulling. While these behaviors pose serious risks, they may be symptoms of a problem that can be treated. Experts estimate that 4% of the population struggle with self-injury. It has the same occurrence between males and females, even though in popular culture it can appear to be more prevalent among girls. Those who struggle with self-injury may have many different reasons for their behavior, some of which may be feelings of emptiness, inability to understand or express what they are feeling, loneliness, fear, past abuse, depression, as well as many others. As self-injury, like many addictions, is often a coping mechanism to deal with some manner of internal pain, many who struggle with it also struggle with other issues such as eating disorders and alcohol and drug abuse. While self-injury may be someone’s way to cope with or relieve painful or hard-to-express feelings and is generally NOT a suicide attempt, relief is always temporary, and usually only perpetuates a destructive cycle that continues the struggle. This cycle often means that those who do not get help can become more depressed and shameful, adding to the pain and need for relief, thus perpetuating the cycle. Dangers: While self-injury may not be about attempting suicide, the damage done while harming oneself ALWAYS carries the risks of inflicting serious, and even lethal, harm to oneself regardless of whether suicide is intended or not. Also the continued cycle of addiction and self-harm, as in substance abuse and other eating disorders can have a destructive effect on one’s health both physically and mentally, and struggles worsen as time continues without treatment. (*Self injury facts from SAFE alternatives, online.) Self-injury, like alcohol and drug abuse and eating disorders, is addictive, and thus not something that is easy to simply ‘stop’. Help and treatment are available, though at times may be hard to find.However, while all addictions are very difficult to overcome, help and treatment are out there and available, and recovery and freedom are possible.We believe this is true whether someone’s struggles may be self injury, depression, drugs and alcohol, body image issues, sexual addiction, or other areas of brokenness.Research shows that those who seek professional help and therapy have a very good chance of recovery, and finding relief from symptoms such as depression and anxiety as well as others. (APA, 1998) We at TWLOHA believe that rescue is possible, and are committed to communicating hope to others who know the daily struggle of living in a broken world.

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